November Coffee Break

In this November coffee break, we’re talking about Christmas recipes, gifts, books and more! I’m here for another coffee break post! In a way, it feels like forever since I last wrote a coffee break post, but then again, November just flew by. How is it December tomorrow already?! For this coffee break post, I…


In this November coffee break, we’re talking about Christmas recipes, gifts, books and more!


I’m here for another coffee break post!

In a way, it feels like forever since I last wrote a coffee break post, but then again, November just flew by. How is it December tomorrow already?!

For this coffee break post, I don’t have a new recipe, but I can share what I’ve been drinking a lot of lately: My peppermint mocha of course.

I’m drinking one as I’m writing this. I can’t get enough of this cozy drink this time of year. If you haven’t tried it already, you need to make it. Trust me, it’s life-changing.

I also finished off a new batch of vegan cashew eggnog and I’m planning on making another one this weekend. Another must-try recipe this holiday season.

What’s your go-to drink at the moment? I hope you’re drinking something cozy as you’re reading through today’s coffee break post.

Now let’s get to it!

Christmas Vacation

Shaun and I are pulling a Christmas with the Kranks this year. Instead of flying to New Brunswick to see family, we’re driving all the way to California. As much as I will miss spending this time of year with my family, I’m extremely excited for this trip. I’m in desperate need of a vacation and 2 weeks away is exactly what we both need.

Our plan? We’re leaving on Christmas day and driving all the way to Portland Oregon. We’re then making our way down to the California coast, visiting the Redwood Parks, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Big Sur, Los Angeles and all the beautiful beaches along the way. We’re then driving East to Las Vegas and then up through the Death Valley, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Bend Oregon and then back home.

Yes, we’re doing all of this in 2 weeks. Yes, we’re insane.

I would really appreciate any recommendations you may have! Any must-see places or great vegetarian restaurants along the way? The Butcher’s Daughter is already on my list and has been for about two years now. Hah!

What are your Christmas plans? Are you travelling or spending time with family?

Christmas Gifts

Shaun and I already exchanged Christmas gifts when my mom was visiting, so I suppose I can share without spoiling it. This year was all about books. My gifts for him: The Tales of Beedle the Bard and The Giver. Shaun got me a book on all the hiking trails in the Okanagan and I can’t wait to start scratching some off the list!


In case you missed it, I just shared my first Ebook earlier this month! Best of all? It’s free! All you need to do is subscribe to the blog to get your free copy. It’s packed with 10 vegan and sugar-free treats, just in time for the Holidays.

Thank you for all of your support on our first Ebook!

What I Read this Month

I don’t think I’ve ever read so many books in a month. Being sick in bed for 3-4 days helps with that. What else was I to do?

Here’s what I read:

  • The Little Book of Hygge
  • The Go-Giver
  • Tuesdays with Morrie
  • The Tales of Beedle the Bard (It’s from the Harry Potter world, so of course it’s good)
  • Narnia – The Magician’s Nephew
  • Narnia – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (I can’t believe I went 24 years without reading Narnia)

Also, this great article from a registered dietitian:

How to Get Rid of the Diet Mentality Once and for All 

Favorite Holiday Recipes from the Blog

chocolate mint truffles

Dark Chocolate Mint Truffles

sweet potato casserole - November coffee break

Savory Sweet Potato Casserole

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Garlic Pecans - November coffee break

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Garlic Pecans

Winter salad - November coffee break

Sweet Potato & Toasted Bread Winter Salad

And of course lots of treats from my Ebook

more recipes

Healthy Lunchbox Recipes
Maple Walnut Granola
Roasted Vegetable Bowl With Almond Pesto
3-Ingredient Strawberry Banana Ice Cream

search recipes


2 responses to “November Coffee Break”

  1. Lydia Avatar

    That road trip sounds so fun! We’ve driven down to Palm Springs twice to visit my in-laws, and it’s such a great trip. We’ve always stuck to the coast though- your route back sounds amazing. Some of my favourite spots to stop were Ashland, Oregon (really lovely heritage downtown, just off the I5 near the California border), Napa, and San Luis Obispo. Have so much fun!

    1. Unsweetened Caroline Avatar

      Hi Lydia, thank you for the recommendations! We’re so excited, as neither of us have ever been to Oregon or California. The places you suggested look lovely and I can’t wait!

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