April Coffee Break

Welcome to another coffee break post! It feels like it was just yesterday that I wrote my March coffee break post… Yet here we are, at the end of April. April has been another very busy month around here and I have so much to share. We drove to Nelson for a weekend away on…

girl in the mountains
girl surrounded by mountains

Welcome to another coffee break post! It feels like it was just yesterday that I wrote my March coffee break post… Yet here we are, at the end of April.

April has been another very busy month around here and I have so much to share. We drove to Nelson for a weekend away on my birthday, where we stayed in a mini cabin, went hiking and visited hot springs. We also visited family in Calgary for Easter. On top of travelling, we’ve been busy working and planning our wedding.

I feel like there’s so much going on in our life at the moment. It’s both so exciting and a bit scary. Here’s what’s going on:

Nourished by Caroline

If you’ve been following me on the blog or on social media at all this past month, you probably know that I launched my own private practice! It’s been my goal since I decided to study nutrition and I’m so happy to finally jump into it and make my dream a reality.

I’m still working at the diabetes center, where I’ve been working for almost a year now. However, I’m down from working almost full time to working casual, which means I work as needed (anywhere from 1-4 days per week) and I spend the rest of my time focusing on my business and this blog.

Basically, I have three jobs now, but my blog and business are connected in a way and I love it.


We’re getting married in September! It’s coming up so fast, I can’t believe it. All I can say is that I’m thankful to have taken 2 years to plan our wedding. I can’t imagine doing it any other way.

We finished planning all the big stuff, but of course we still have plenty of last-minute planning to do before the big day.

We’re catering the whole wedding, which is a bit crazy, but so important to me. I’m hoping to share all the details after the wedding, including our menu and the process!


I was hesitating talking about this so early since plans change all the time, but we’ve booked our flights and most of our Airbnb’s, so it’s kind of official. We’re spending 3 months in Europe for our honeymoon!

I won’t share all the details yet (I’ll keep this for our next coffee break post, when everything is booked), but we are visiting several countries and I can’t wait to share!

As we’ll be gone for 3 months, I’m working hard on getting all my recipes and content (mostly) done before we leave. So yes, I’m always busy.

Sustainable Fashion

As Earth day was this month, I shared a few of the ways Shaun and I care for the environment on Instagram. Some of you were interested in knowing how I shop for clothes in a way that’s better for the environment. I could do a whole blog post about this, but I’ll keep it short.

For many years now, I’ve been focusing on buying less and investing in quality products/clothes. This doesn’t mean I spend hundreds of dollars per piece of clothing, but I do avoid cheap stores, such as H&M and Forever 21.

Also, I’ve been working on having a capsule wardrobe, which is essentially a wardrobe with minimal pieces, but that you love and can mix and match. This is one of the reasons I wear very little color and instead, opt for classic neutral clothes that don’t go out of style the next season.

I buy clothes I know I’ll love and wear on a weekly basis (except for the few exception – formal dress, bathing suits, etc.). It saves me money and it reduces waste! Finally, I personally air dry most of my clothes to make them last longer (or at least I feel like it helps).

It’s been a while since I went shopping and I’ve been recently a bit more aware of the impact of fashion on the environment. For that reason, I would love to know if there are any sustainable clothing brands that you love?

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Fudgy Gluten-Free Brownies
Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal
Fruit-Sweetened Carrot Cake Loaf

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Spring Pea and Arugula Pasta

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Vegetarian Tempeh Gyros

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Vegan Caesar Salad with Chickpea Croutons

Strawberry Rhubarb & Yogurt Chia Parfait

Strawberry Rhubarb and Yogurt Chia Parfait

Fruit-Sweetened Carot Cake Loaf

Fruit-Sweetened Carrot Cake Loaf

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